We get it— the mention of SEO (search engine optimisation) has some of you slowly backing into the hedge Homer-Simpson-style ...
A critical part of your employer brand strategy is positioning - the need to develop a unique and memorable brand that speaks directly to your identified talent audience. Finding the sweet spot which ...
Employer brand positioning is essential to winning an unfair share of the best talent out there, but have you got yours right?... Most employer branding development exercises set out to clearly define ...
It’s that time of year again—budget planning for 2025-2026 is in full swing, and you’re staring down whatever’s left of this year’s budget. The question is where do you spend it?
To convince senior leadership to buy-in to your Employer Brand project, do not go naked into the debating chamber. Arm yourselves with useful stats and counter arguments that will help get you over ...
At Ph., we’re all-round perfectionists. We don’t believe in half-measures, half-baked, or half-hearted. Instead, we’re fully-fixated on our clients and their holistic needs. So we’ve crafted an ...
Liverpool, UK, is where you'll find the Ph.Creative HQ. We're lucky to call the beautiful Queen Insurance Building home, right in the heart of the Commercial District. We may be in one of the most ...
Right now, the question of why we go to work is at the forefront of your talent audience’s thinking like never before. For many in these difficult economic circumstances, of course, the question has ...
"Have you ever watched a movie and felt your heart racing or had to wipe tears from the corner of your eyes? Have you ever listened to your friend tell a joke and laughed out loud, or gotten ...
London, UK, is one of the world’s most exciting cities, and the Ph.Creative office is right in the heart of things.