Tarantulas and the common-orb-weaver, represent two of the more recognizable suborders of spiders (mygalomorphs and araneomorphs respectively), but there is a third suborder that is basal to these two ...
Six country teams gathered in October 2022 to reflect on the implementation and achievements of Ecosystem-based adaptation on their respective mountain systems and communities. The learnings and ...
As the world is set to adopt a landmark treaty to halt the loss of biodiversity later this year, implementing and measuring progress against specific goals of this agreement will soon become a focus.
Of the seven terrestrial species of bears, inhabiting four continents, five are globally threatened and one other has many separate threatened populations. The IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group (BSG) ...
Studies on biodiversity impacts of onshore wind have focused mainly on birds, bats and natural habitats, with limited understanding of impacts to other taxa, including non-flying mammals. Wind energy ...
This grant scheme will follow a two-step process. Applicants will initially prepare and submit short concept notes which will be reviewed and short-listed. Applications received after the above ...
The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated the profound interdependence between environmental health and human health, bringing these issues to the forefront of policy discussions. It has become increasingly ...
The greatest challenge to conservation of polar bears is ecological change in the Arctic resulting from climatic warming.The PBSG evaluates available scientific information and assesses the status and ...
From September 11 to 13, 2024, more than 70 representatives from civil society, Indigenous organizations, international organizations, and conservation experts gathered to define the OECMs ...
After years of dedicated marine protection efforts, Churna Island has finally been designated as the second Marine Protected Area (MPA) by the Government of Balochistan. This long-awaited decision ...
Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) play a critical role in the effective management of natural marine resources. With 60% of the Mozambican population relying on the country’s extensive coastline, ...
The 2nd National Symposium for Community-Led Initiatives on Environment Sustainability is set to take place from September 10 to 12, 2024 (September 10 at the Albert Park and from September 11 to 12, ...