Executive Director; Foundational Infrastructure & Technology | Office of Information Technology (OIT).
industrial ecology; climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies; sociodemographic impacts of the food-energy-water nexus; equity applications in energy and environmental systems; urban carbon ...
Dr. Dickson's group is developing novel spectroscopic, statistical, and imagingtechnologies for the study of dynamics in biology and medicine.
Guest Researcher, Division of Reproductive Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ...
Come join the conversation about climate change and climate policy while enjoying a free lunch! EPA Advisors Anna Benkeser and Zealan Hoover will be giving a talk about climate optimism and answering ...
The Center of Excellence in Computational Cognition (CoCo) at Georgia Tech presents "Big Ideas in Computational Cognition," a chalk talk by Mark Himmelstein ...
Dean of the College of Engineering; The Ohio State University ...
Structural Dynamics; Vibrations; Smart Materials & Structures; Energy Harvesting; Acoustic Metamaterials; Acoustics and Dynamics; Smart materials; Piezoelectronic ...
Neuromodulation of peripheral nerve activity Real-time control methods applied to electrophysiology measurements Autonomic modulation of visceral organs. Our laboratory combines engineering and ...
Cassie Mitchell's research goal centers around expediting clinical translation from bench to bedside using data-enabled prediction. Akin to data-based models used to forecast weather, Cassie's ...
Neuromodulation using multielecrode arrays, closed loop control theory, and optogenetics for epilepsy and movement disorders. Computational modeling of epilepsy networks for model-based and non-model ...
Mostbiological traits have a strong genetic, or heritable, component. Understanding how genetic variation influences these phenotypes will be important for understanding common, heritable diseases ...