A rain barrel is placed under a gutter's downspout next to a house, small sheds or other outdoor structures to collect rain water from the roof. The water can then be used in various ways including to ...
Cooking in the garden is a rewarding endeavor that brings the growing classroom full circle, from seed to plate. Growing vegetables with kids is a great first step to get them excited about vegetables ...
We will begin registration for the 2025 classes on November 15, 2024. There are both formal, in-person opportunities and self-directed, virtual opportunities. Please check back here in the fall for ...
Below is an extensive database of tomato variety descriptions and images of fruit grown at Rutgers NJAES research farms. We continue to add details and photos as they become available.
Llamas (Lama glama) and alpacas (Lama pacos) are members of the Camelid family, which also includes the vicuna (Lama vicugna) and guanaco (Lama guanicoe). Their inclusion in this family is based upon ...
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the nation's largest nutrition assistance program, aimed at helping individuals and families with low incomes afford the essential food they ...
Currently, between 30–40% of the food that we produce in the United States ends up as waste. 1 While food waste occurs at several sources, the USDA has identified schools as being a potential source ...
Sourdough bread, rolls, and other products have been increasingly present in food markets over the past several years, many claiming health benefits. Join me to learn more about the fermentation ...
Hydrangeas are great plants for the garden whose many benefits have been well recognized by gardeners over the centuries. They provide floral and occasionally foliar interest beginning in late spring ...
Many gardeners successfully grow figs (Ficus carica) in New Jersey for many years. However, since fig trees are evergreen plants in warmer climates, some type of low temperature protection is needed.
Staking and weaving is a highly specialized production system used by commercial tomato growers. It is a system that can easily be adapted for home garden use. Some advantages of staking are improved ...
Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) is a true annual in the northeastern United States (Figure 1). Seeds germinate in the spring and seedlings grow rapidly throughout the summer as a warm-season (C 4) plant.