T oday The Atlantic launches “The Best American Poetry of the 21st Century (So Far),” a new editorial project that brings ...
We were looking for poetry that had struck its readers, for whatever reasons, as unforgettable, enduring, and influential: ...
For many readers, “The Land Between the Rivers” will be an introduction to Todd Nelson and his lovingly crafted observational ...
The play incorporates actual legal testimony, poetry, and quotes from activists in the war between Israel and Hamas, drawing ...
Next month, one of classical music’s rarest monsters will be heard on the stage of London’s Southbank Centre: Erik Satie’s ...
However, if you take the time to understand all of the pitfalls and trials that many go through before reaching their goals, ...
Famous faces such as Queen Elizabeth II and Oprah Winfrey have shared pearls of wisdom over the years, here are some of our ...
And during the course of the next 95 minutes - straight-through - that sea backdrop ripples and the boat bobs on the tide as ...
Fans of the literary world and media remembered the legendary revolutionary poet, Habib Jalib on his 32nd death anniversary where ...
For those in need of a little pick-me-up, we’ve put together a list of inspirational book quotes to lift you back into good spirits! 1. “There is some good in this world, and it’s worth ...
One of China's most famous poets, who some call the country's Emily Dickenson, is breaking new boundaries by taking to the stage to dance. CapRadio provides a trusted source of news because of you.
One of China's best-known contemporary poets is a middle-aged woman from the countryside who is loved by millions for her unpretentious and suggestive verse. Some call her China's Emily Dickinson ...