The life and legacy of a national civil rights leader is commemorated at the end of March. Here's what this holiday means for ...
School, police, fire, public works cuts are on the line, too. Hanover Town Meeting is May 5 and the town election is May 17.
The annual town election should be lively this year with seven candidates competing for two Select Board seats.
Your constituents voted for you and elected you to these positions, so we should be showing up,” Amoratis said.
Five Massachusetts towns are taking legal action against the state over the State Auditor's "unfunded mandate" decision.
Town officials swore in newly elected School Committee members following Tuesday’s election that ousted two incumbents.
During the Select Board meeting Monday a discussion was held about two competing bylaw proposals to regulate permitted and ...
Charles Morton IV, Eric Poch and John Ryan Jr. are each vying for one of two available three-year seats on the ...