For years, many shonen fans believed that the My Hero Academia spin-off series, Vigilantes, would never receive its own ...
As a popular anime series, My Hero Academia also boasts a collection of truly brilliant and memorable openings.
Accumulation type quirks are some of the most rare powers in My Hero Academia. Here's a look at the intricacies of these ...
My Hero Academia's Dragoon Hero has one of the most unique quirks in the series. But how strong is she compared to everyone ...
Anime villains have become extremely popular in the past few years and the female antagonists have also gained fame and recognition from fans.
Get ready for a shadowy new season in My Hero Ultra Rumble - it's time for Season 9 on Xbox, PlayStation, NIntendo Switch and ...
Shiketsu, Seiai, and Isamu Academy students rival Class 1-A at UA in power and intellect. Romero's Zombie Virus, Saiko's IQ, ...