A picturesque galaxy 40 million light-years away, NGC 5530 dazzles with its patchy spiral arms in the constellation Lupus.
The emission nebula, known as Sh2-284, is an immense region of gas and dust that fuels new star formation. It lacks elements ...
Hubble once again lifts the veil on a famous — and frequently photographed — supernova remnant: the Veil Nebula. ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Sankrit One of the most famous and beautiful cosmic ...
Hubble once again lifts the veil on a famous—and frequently photographed—supernova remnant: the Veil Nebula. The remnant of a star roughly 20 times as massive as the sun that exploded about ...
Hubble revisited the Veil Nebula for a more detailed look at its colorful hot gases. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Z. Levay About 2,000 light years from Earth are the brilliant remnants of the ...
As it nears 35 consecutive years of space service, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has taken another look at a famous supernova remnant. The Veil Nebula is roughly 2,400 light-years away in ...
and the Hubble Space Telescope can see them. Two new photos taken by the intrepid telescope and released to celebrate the eye on the sky's 28th birthday show the Lagoon Nebula, a region of space ...
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has been hunting for brown dwarfs for decades. Previously, Hubble identified possible candidates in a region of the Flame Nebula called the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex.
Hubble’s Blue Bubble: The distinctive blue bubble appearing to encircle WR 31a is a Wolf–Rayet nebula — an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other gases. Carina Nebula’s ...
The new composite image of the Crab Nebula comprises X rays from Chandra, optical data from Hubble (purple), and infrared ... The mosaic of the Heart and Soul nebulae is located about 6,000 ...
This composite picture of the Helix Nebula was assembled by astronomers by blenindg ultra-sharp NASA Hubble Space Telescope images combined with the wide view of the Mosaic Camera on the National ...