Laid out like an orchestra in a quiet gallery room, 40 colorful gems have one of the planet’s most distinguished conductors: a red diamond, 2.33 of the rarest carats in the world, shining like a ...
The scarcely visited museum cost a whopping $4 million taxpayer dollars to build in accordance with Smithsonian standards and ...
WASHINGTON (7News) — Earth Day is Saturday, April 22! The Smithsonian is hosting a monthlong celebration dedicated to the ...
The Environmental Protection Agency has announced that it will be shuttering its very own hardly visited museum due to the ...
The museum hopes that after learning about the planet’s prehistoric past, people will do more to preserve Earth’s future.
Fredericksburg’s retail scene defies the typical tourist-town template of predictable souvenirs and overpriced trinkets.
Jamie Gustafson draws dinosaurs, sharks and pretty much anything else from the natural world. Some of his clients have inclued National Geographic, DK Smithsonian and scientists working at Chicago's ...
This tiny bird sculpture was created 40,000 years ago by early humans in Europe who carved the key animals in their lives.
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