Alabama and a small but growing number of other GOP-led states are pushing to enact more laws this year to legally define the ...
Texas Senator Paul Bettencourt announced on Friday he's filed a bill in an effort to increase the residence homestead ...
Rebecca McWilliams with One Place said according to a national statistic, a domestic violence victim is 500 more times likely ...
After House GOP efforts stalled, the Senate is moving ahead with its own plan to enact the president's priorities.
Republican Sen. Sue Peterson wanted salary caps for public school administrators. But a majority of other senators don’t. Her ...
House Republicans have been toiling unsuccessfully to reach agreement on a fiscal blueprint. Their Senate colleagues are ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — As House Republicans missed another deadline Friday to produce a massive budget package of tax cuts and ...
Graham (R-SC) warned House Republicans earlier this week that the Senate was moving forward with a two-bill approach to ...
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Friday unveiled a 61-page budget resolution that would lay the ...
Idaho lawmakers push to amend the Constitution after identical changes to the law were ruled unconstitutional.
Senate Republicans released a budget reconciliation bill on Friday, looking to fast-track Trump’s agenda even as the House ...