Honourable President, the GNU will ensure that the commitments you made to the nation do not become empty promises, but a lived reality,” Hlabisa stated during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) ...
Despite various political promises, including the pledge by the governing coalition, the Government of National Unity (GNU), the reality for many students is bleak. Students remain unfunded ...
In his State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Thursday, President Cyril Ramaphosa painted an image of a South Africa united under the Government of National Unity (GNU) banner. He spoke of shared ...
Religious affairs minister Na’im Mokhtar and national unity minister Aaron Ago Dagang said the proposed guidelines drafted by Jakim had caused ‘confusion’ among Malaysians. The government ...
South Africa’s Government of National Unity (GNU), formed just seven months ago, remains intact despite internal conflicts and a turbulent start. Notably, the Democratic Alliance (DA ...
The official opposition party believes the Government of National Unity (GNU) is incapable of delivering on its commitments. President Cyril Ramaphosa is scheduled to deliver his first SONA since ...
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation Address (Sona) tonight will be the first to be delivered under the seventh administration’s Government of National Unity (GNU), following the ...
He added that the government is placing special emphasis on the national unity agenda, with KRTs serving as key agents in raising public awareness. - Bernama ...
For the first time in democratic South Africa, the SONA is being delivered under a Government of National Unity. Ramaphosa is tasked with addressing some of the country’s hot-button topics ...
Ramaphosa said the formation of the Government of National Unity (GNU) presents an opportunity for the country to demonstrate what can be achieved through collective effort. “All of these things ...
PETALING JAYA: The government has reaffirmed that any policy formulation must prioritise national unity and receive Cabinet approval, following concerns over proposed guidelines for Muslims ...
Ramaphosa elected to skip on mentioning any developments around the NHI Act and the contestations within the Government of National Unity. Specifically, there was no mention of possible plans to ...