Valentine’s Day may be associated with romance, but the history of the holiday isn’t exactly lovey-dovey. Here are the facts ...
It is no news that Valentine’s Day is all about romance, love, roses, hugs, and kisses. It is a day to celebrate the power of unconditional love and endearing human connections. However, Valentine’s ...
History Detectives stares down the barrel of a shotgun for clues that one of Al Capone’s men fired it in a Chicago gang massacre that shocked the nation. The gun came to our contributor’s ...
“Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Edmonds of 603 Fourth Avenue East gave a Valentine party to a number of the Business college students and ...
History indicates St. Valentine's showed heroic love for the Lord and the church, thus the date and month of love - February 14 - was named after him.
It was 14 February and so the letter became the very first Valentine’s Day letter in history. The story of St Valentine was passed down through the centuries and is even featured in the work of ...