A White House leak suggests White House aides are considering a move that would likely infuriate Republican mega-donors.
A coalition of 12 King County mayors is pushing back on two state budget proposals that call for raising taxes on large ...
"It is an attack on all those who dare to bear witness and tell inconvenient truths," the group of more than 500 Hollywood ...
The ultra-wealthy from Seattle and Washington state may not exactly be looking to gamble away their riches in Las Vegas, but ...
If you know or suspect you can't pay the taxes you owe this tax season, you should still file a return with that information ...
Homeowners facing ballooning property taxes aren't pleased. But the revenue is crucial for schools and other local government ...
Excise taxes that states are imposing on guns are unconstitutional and undermine the Second Amendment, according to ...
Some taxpayers say they are not particularly worried about making mistakes on their taxes this year, given the widely ...
Citizens For Property Tax Reform claims Ohio's property taxes are unconstitutional, sparking a statewide petition drive to ...
It does not take an economics degree from a haughty Ivy League university to understand that the United States is in a very ...
House Concurrent Resolution 2021's amendments have brought some critics onboard after initial complaints of loss of revenue ...
Procrastinating on your taxes? Tax Day is coming up, and this free filing program is available through the IRS.