There’s a lot going on in the poetry community right now. My Santa Barbara Independent colleague, George Yatchisin, will ...
The first to fill that position, administered by the Austin Public Library for a two-year term, is veteran theater artist and ...
The official post of ‘Poet Laureate’ (laureate meaning crowned with laurels) in the United Kingdom, is held by a distinguished poet chosen by the monarch who is attached to the royal household. In ...
has been named the city's new Poet Laureate. Conley is known for her vulnerable storytelling, particularly in her poem "Papa'z Song," which explores her relationship with her absent father.
Jane Ellen Ibur recites some of her poetry after becoming St. Louis city's third poet laureate, Friday, April 12, 2019, during a ceremony in the rotunda of City Hall. The appointment is a 2-year term.