A way to stimulate greater economic development on Oahu is currently under City Council review. The proposed program would employ tax increment financing, or TIF, which uses bonds to support public ...
Excise taxes that states are imposing on guns are unconstitutional and undermine the Second Amendment, according to ...
Politicians should have to stand up and vote when they want to hike taxes on hard-working Canadians. Unfortunately, when it ...
California lawmakers are considering replacing the gas tax with a mileage charge — but can our Legislature be trusted to create a fair solution? SACRAMENTO, Calif. — In a normal state run by ...
U.S. congressional Republicans are struggling over how to pay for President Donald Trump's multi-trillion-dollar tax-cut and immigration reform agenda, with the fate of the Medicaid healthcare program ...
NEXT explains that if you’re an independent contractor, it’s your job to pay taxes on your own—and you’ll want as many 1099 ...
To file a California return free, find the link for CalFile at the state Franchise Tax Board’s website. It uses information ...
There are very powerful progressive interests which intend to impose transfer taxes at a level to completely “recover” all ...
Discover the states where property taxes are the highest, as revealed by the Tax Foundation. See how your state compares.