Kadın, binbir emek ve çabayla yarattığı değerleri gasp eden, kendi yarattıklarına yabancılığını geliştiren böylelikle kadını ...
Representatives from the Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR) member companies met with officials from the Government of Iraq (GoI) and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) ...
Moscow is resuming oil and gas operations in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region (KRI) to regain geopolitical influence lost after setbacks in Ukraine and Syria. The West is increasing investments in ...
In 1978, at a conference in the village of Fis in Diyarbakır, Mr. Öcalan announced the formation of the Partîya Karkerên Kurdîstan (Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK). The PKK called for the ...
Students from Duluth’s sister city Rayna in Kurdistan are visiting Duluth to share their culture and learn about Minnesota’s. Duluth Sister City International set up the visit, organizing ...
If the Kurds do succeed in establishing an independent state in Syria amid the chaos gripping the region, it could accelerate secessionist movements in other Kurdish areas of the Middle East.
Last week, though, Öcalan called for his Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê ... as well as an endless campaign of attrition against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) at home. Events have repeatedly shown, ...
The banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) announced on Saturday that it would follow the call of its leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is imprisoned in Turkey, to end the armed struggle and declared an ...
Milan (AsiaNews) – Abdullah Öcalan, the historic leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK[*]), has called for an end to the armed struggle from his maximum security prison. This announcement ...
27 Kasım 1978’de Lice’nin Fis köyünde kurulan Kürdistan İşçi Partisi (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê) PKK, Türkiye’yi en uzun süre çok yönlü meşgul eden terör örgütüdür. “Örgütün ilk dönemlerinde suikast ...
Administrasiya rəsmisi 2022-ci ilin dekabrında qəbul edilmiş “Siyasi partiyalar haqqında” Qanunun əhəmiyyətindən danışarkən bildirib ki, yeni Qanun ölkənin partiya sisteminin keyfiyyətcə daha böyük ...