In short, while the picture is authentic, it does not show the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch." Underwater photographer ...
everything we need for our quest to reach a seamount named Las Gemelas. Its cluster of peaks, rarely seen up close before, rises from the bottom of the Pacific near Cocos Island, 300 miles ...
But the largest seamount, found off Chile ... More than half of these predicted peaks are thought to be in the Pacific Ocean. The latest expedition is part of a new project, named Seabed 2030 ...
The tallest volcano in Europe, Italy's Mount Etna, and the world's most active volcano, Kilauea in Hawaii, erupting again.
The Tunnicliffe Collection, largely from hydrothermal vents, holds more than 5,200 lots of formalin- and ethanol-fixed animals collected from the northeast Pacific (Juan de Fuca and Explorer Ridges), ...
Zhou Y, Zhang R, Shen C, Mao Q, Zhang M, Zhang D (2025) ZooKeys The species were found exclusively “living in association with deep-sea glass sponges on seamounts in the northwest Pacific,” so ...
Among the targets in that effort were the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument and the Pacific Remote Islands and Rose Atoll National Marine Monuments in the South Pacific. The ...
Although the Kamaehuakanaloa Seamount has been a little restless recently, new information about the undersea volcano is still sparse. The volcano, formerly called Loihi Seamount, is about 22 ...
IOCAS’s biodiversity analysis of three adjacent seamounts in the Western Pacific showed that of the species found at the seamounts, less than 5% were found at all three. This illustrates the ...
Greenpeace is aiming to use remotely operated deep sea cameras to survey seamounts and other features in both New Zealand waters and the high seas of the South Pacific. Speaking from on board the ...
Image courtesy of NERC, IUCN Seamounts Project via Deep Sea Conservation Coalition. Another decision pertained to jack mackerel, whose populations in the South Pacific were once heavily ...