Overwatch 2 implements a new hotfix that buffs Mercy specifically in the second run of the limited-time Overwatch: Classic 6v6 game mode.
Overwatch’s second “Classic” mode might be the “Moth Meta,” but it’s Doomfist mains who are coming out in full force the most.
Overwatch 2 will introduce changes to ranked play, new weapon variants, and more. Competitive mode will undergo adjustments in Season 15, with new weapon variants and Clash mode changes. Each ...
Sigma, Hazard, Venture, Juno, Doomfist and Soldier: 76 in Overwatch 2. The idea is for Blizzard to get a stronger sense of how much demand there is for 6v6. The initial 6v6 tests “took the form ...
All the Overwatch 2 characters can be a bit overwhelming at first, mainly because there are so many different characters, backstories, and lore that fans love diving deep into. Plus, there’s a growing ...