Students at Biloela State High School unknowingly walked past a major fossil find containing 66 dinosaur footprints.
A trace fossil of 66 dinosaur footprints has been uncovered in Australia, providing a rare snapshot of dinosaur behavior and ...
Researchers in Australia identified 66 dinosaur footprints on a boulder displayed at a high school. These footprints date ...
Paleontologist Anthony Romilio looked at three rock slabs bearing footprints. Most of the footprints come from one slab, which was discovered in 2002.
Researchers emphasize that this fossil confirms that cerapodan dinosaurs underwent diversification well before the Cretaceous ...
A 168 million-year-old dinosaur fossil discovered in Morocco is reshaping our understanding of cerapodan evolution.
A team of paleontologists from the Natural History Museum in the U.K., the University of Birmingham, also in the U.K., and ...
Cerapodans were small, plant-eating dinosaurs that scampered around on two legs. Come the Cretaceous, the fossil record tells ...
Each of the 66 total prints features three toes, indicating they belong to the ichnospecies Anomoepus scambus— a small ...
A groundbreaking scientific study has revealed that the oldest known ornithischian dinosaur, a Serapod, was discovered in ...