The map below shows the location of Arbil and Moscow. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
Worshippers attend Christmas Eve service at the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles, within the complex of the Assyrian Patriarchate, in Arbil, Iraq, on December 24, 2024. Worshippers attend Christmas ...
ARBIL: Jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan is working on a “democratic” settlement to the four-decade conflict between Turkey and Kurdish militants, a pro-Kurdish party delegation member said Monday ...
Join our Whatsapp channel ARBIL: Pro-Kurdish Turkish lawmakers conveyed a message on Sunday to Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani from Abdullah Ocalan, the jailed founder of the Kurdistan Workers ...
“The Israeli captive Gadi [Moshe] Mozes was escorted to the same car with Arbil Yehud," said Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent Hisham Zaqout, reporting from the location. "Two other cars have the ...