In discarding Hollywood tropes in favor of truth, “Warfare” is one of the most viscerally powerful stories about combat ever ...
At best, Warfare is an artfully made recreation; at worst it is naked military propaganda set during one of the country’s most egregious moments of imperialism.
One of my go-to gripes about movies these days is that titles tend to really suck. There is a tendency for them to be far too ...
Alex Garland has once again shown his mastery of wartime suspense, this time with alongside real-life veteran and co-director ...
Alex Garland & Ray Mendoza present a bloody and tension-packed 90 minutes of realistic warfare in their brutal new movie that ...
Military and war movies are some of the most impactful genres of movies. The films not only handle sensitive topics like war and highlight the futility of it, but it is also an important reminder of ...