A Knoxville-based fusion powerhouse says it's solved the fundamental science of harnessing the sun's power to produce electricity.
Type One Energy has published the world’s first detailed and self-consistent physics basis for a practical fusion pilot power ...
The company's proposals include converting two peaking facilities to base-load combined cycle plants, along with uprates at ...
When Duke Energy opened four floodgates at Cowans Ford Dam last fall, it made headlines. On that September day, water surged ...
As the designated developer of the city’s Sunnyside Tax Increment Financing District, Campus Neighborhood Revitalization ...
Coalition of advocates blame the Vogtle project for significant disconnections, but Georgia Power says the two things aren’t ...
People from Humboldt to Marin counties gathered in Cloverdale to express skepticism about future water management strategies ...
TerraPower CEO Chris Levesque offered a sunny picture Thursday for the work underway at the Bill Gates-backed nuclear power ...
Southern Indiana County's skyline is forever changed as the smokestacks and towers from the former Homer City Generating ...