Amanda Pritchard has today formally notified the NHS England Board of her decision to stand down as chief executive at the end of this financial year. Amanda has been Chief Executive since August 2021 ...
A patient with diffuse intestinal pseudo-obstruction consisting of gastric paresis and impaired small and large bowel motility, mononeuropathy multiplex, and sensory neuropathy/neuronopathy was ...
Cutting out smoking and combatting stress early are a number of steps people can take can help save the NHS millions of pounds in the long term, according to a medical accountancy firm.
NHS England took ownership of the NHS Staff Survey from the Department of Health in April 2013. Previously, from 2003 to 2009, the Care Quality Commission and its predecessor the Healthcare Commission ...
The most valuable resource the health service has is its staff. Yet the NHS is in the midst of a chronic workforce crisis, driven by years of insufficient investment in training new staff, inadequate ...
Immune axonal neuropathies have highly heterogeneous clinical presentation and course, ranging from mild chronic distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy to severe subacute mononeuritis multiplex with rapid ...