Dad’s girlfriend makes a scene at my bowling birthday party
When I had my hair done, the stylist and her assistant spent the entire time talking over my head. There was no way I could ...
We will soon begin seeing the young couple and his parents frequently, as the social season is beginning. When we see them, ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: A pair of neighbors hosted my wife and me for an impromptu dinner, to which we contributed a nice ...
Some medical facilities ban tipping because they pay parking attendants a living wage, and do not want patients with medical ...
(Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email, [email protected]; or ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Because of a chronic illness, I have to go to a clinic in an urban setting three to four times per ...
My instinct is to return the item in a little bag with a note saying it isn’t mine. But somehow that feels rude, presumptuous ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My children’s school district is the first organization I’ve dealt with in my professional career in which ...
I am hesitant to just share the news with no lead-in, since one friend was somewhat taken aback when I completely sprung it ...
Miss Manners has sympathy for the rampant abuse of hosts when it comes to inviting extra people and dictating menus. But she ...