Elongation of the proximal end of centrioles may also indicate an overall defect in centriole polarity. To test this hypothesis, we next determined whether these mutant centrioles might properly ...
The sensor is based on a time-harmonic magnetic field and has the advantage of strong detection ability for nonferromagnetic particles. The sensing mechanism of metal particles is the foundation for ...
This paper presents a method of compensation the environment magnetic field dynamically for array OPMs based on real-time signal separation. The OPMs serves as the signal measurement sensors, as well ...
Controlling magnetic ... the polarity of the applied voltage. So far, most studies in this area have focused on continuous films, rather than on controlling properties at the nanometric scale ...
The lowest uptake of the catalyst, when DVSi was used as the stabilizing ligand, was attributed to its low polarity or bulkiness ... solvent-free nonpolar hydrosilylation media for the first time.
The first geomagnetic polarity time scale that covered the entire Cenozoic era was constructed in the early days of the plate tectonic revolution in the late 1960s from a few carefully selected marine ...
Here, we uncovered the timing of activation in core face-selective regions using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetoencephalography ... MEG signals at different time points were ...
We performed a systematic review of the studies evaluating therapeutics relying on the direct or indirect electro-magnetic stimulation of the brain ... with an improvement on the Coma Recovery Scale ...
IBS includes deep brain stimulation (DBS), and invasive vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), whereas NIBS includes transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), ...