Eggshells found in Utah fill a 30-million-year fossil record gap and provide a snapshot of a time when dinosaurs were migrating from Asia to North America via a land bridge, according to a paper in ...
At the end of the Mesozoic Era, in the late Cretaceous period ... in unexpected places in North and South America, Australia, ...
The Cretaceous is split into two smaller time periods called epochs. The Early Cretaceous Epoch lasted from 145 million years ago to 100.5 million years ago and the Late Cretaceous Epoch lasted from ...
3 min read Continents were on the move in the Cretaceous, busy remodeling the shape and tone of life on Earth. At the start of the period, dinosaurs ruled the loosening remnants of the ...
They identified them as a more derived clade of Lambeosaurini dinosaurs that migrated from North America back to Asia via the Bering ... to the region in Late Cretaceous," co-author Xing Lida ...
A set of five fossilised small dinosaur footprints from the Cretaceous period has been discovered ... a key step towards the evolution of birds. Since the late 1990s, over 2,000 dinosaur ...