I've been testing the Dwarf 3 for the past two months and, not only has it changed my perspective on astrophotography without a bulky telescope and camera adapter setup, but I found it has ...
A dazzling spiral galaxy and a brilliant foreground star create an illusion of proximity in a breathtaking new Hubble image. The star, much closer to Earth, stands out with its four diffraction spikes ...
Since they were first detected over four decades ago, unusually powerful x-ray emissions originating from the site of a dying star called the Helix Nebula have proved an enigma astronomers. Now, we ...
In this image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, "cometary knots" on the Helix Nebula show blue-green heads caused by excitation of their molecular material from shocks or ultraviolet radiation.
The star V830 Orionis shines on the cloud of material left over from its formation, here seen as the NGC 1999 reflection nebula. The Helix Nebula is an example ... star in this image from the Hubble ...
The Helix Nebula is a so-called planetary nebula, which is the late stage of a star that has ejected its outer layers of gas and left behind what is known as a white dwarf. In previous decades, the ...
The white dwarf (center) - named WD 2226-210 - and the Helix Nebula. (ESA/D. Ducros via SWNS ... Artist impression of ESA's XMM-Newton, most sensitive X-ray telescope ever built. (ESA/D. Ducros via ...
In previous decades, the Einstein X-ray Observatory and ROSAT telescopes detected highly energetic X-rays coming from the white dwarf at the center of the Helix Nebula named WD 2226-210 ...
Fly about 2,600 light-years to Hubble Space Telescope imagery of the Cygnus loop nebula. See images from 2001 and 2020. Credit: NASA, ESA, STScI Acknowledgments: NSF's NOIRLab, Akira Fujii , Jeff ...
What are you, SIMP 0136? Astronomers used the powerful James Webb Space Telescope to peer into this object flying by itself through our Milky Way galaxy. It's rapidly spinning, and at some 13 ...
What are you, SIMP 0136? Astronomers used the powerful James Webb Space Telescope to peer into this object flying by itself through our Milky Way galaxy. It's rapidly spinning, and at some 13 times ...