The cow, named Gus-Gus, is Whitetop's closest companion. Advertisement "Because they played so much together, Gus-Gus thinks Whitetop is a cow," Davis said. "He likes to try to jump on him and ...
A visitor to Georgia’s Okefenokee Swamp recorded a rarely seen part of the alligator mating ritual called the head slap, researchers say. Jennifer Berglund video screengrab Male alligators ...
(CNN) – Why did the alligator cross the road? It certainly wasn’t to help a turtle get to the other side. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service shared video of the moment when a gator stopped ...
Troopers stopped racing drivers along Alligator Alley on Saturday as they cut off traffic in their Porsches and Ferraris and filmed their exploits. According to Florida Highway Patrol, troopers ...
And on a night when their first- and second-leading scorers fell short of their per-game averages, and their third-leading scorer went scoreless, the Florida Gators won their 19 th game by double ...