The Visible Hand Project helps remind workers of their civic responsibilities and bets that civic wellness can help overcome ...
The mechanics of local government baffle many people who consider themselves otherwise well informed. We can help.
The League of Women Voters of Kentucky is calling on all League members, friends, and citizen advocacy groups to unite for ...
Government meetings frequently push three, four hours or longer. Some say this discourages participation. Or is it just ...
The next U.S. head count's accuracy would likely be undermined by a census question about citizenship status that GOP ...
Yet, over the last few months, the Trump administration has unleashed a wave of attacks on official statistics whose scope is ...
Kenya needs to strengthen its legal framework for public participation, moving beyond mere consultation to ensure meaningful and cost-effective citizen engagement, Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia ...
There isn't enough detail in the concept document for the Transformation Fund to form an opinion about it. The minister of ...
Roy: To prepare the engaged voters of tomorrow, schools must give students real-life, first-hand experience in how government ...
Real citizen agency doesn’t come from grand policy declarations or high-level discussions—it happens in the moments when ...
The UNDP Global Policy Centre for Governance and the Ghana Statistical Service pioneered a citizen data initiative to enhance ...