Bahr undertook a complete re-examination of the tome, complete with spectroscopic analysis and mathematical investigation, to ...
It turns out that Joan Didion, who probed the depths of her grief for her late husband John Gregory Dunne in the powerful ...
T oday The Atlantic launches “The Best American Poetry of the 21st Century (So Far),” a new editorial project that brings ...
We were looking for poetry that had struck its readers, for whatever reasons, as unforgettable, enduring, and influential: ...
It’s impossible for me to talk about writing without talking about living, writes Maggie Smith, author of the new book, "Dear ...
For many readers, “The Land Between the Rivers” will be an introduction to Todd Nelson and his lovingly crafted observational ...
MIT professor of literature Arthur Bahr had one of the best days of his life. Sitting in the British Library, he was allowed ...
There’s a lot going on in the poetry community right now. My Santa Barbara Independent colleague, George Yatchisin, will ...
For 176 years, the city Austin had no poet laureate. Plenty of creative people hung out here. The official post, however, did ...
Hofstein wrote poetry from the age of nine in Hebrew, later also in Russian and Ukrainian, from 1909 in Yiddish. His first ...
In his latest book, Peter Kirkpatrick retrieves from Australian cultural history the compelling figure of the “ wild reciter ”, as a reviewer in the 1920s termed amateur elocutionists.