This rare quasar with spiral arms could help astronomers understand how supermassive black holes feed and grow.
Professor Binney's research has significantly contributed to scientists' understanding of elliptical galaxies ... to developing the standard model for the mass distribution of the Milky Way ...
New evidence suggests the universe is expanding faster than predicted. Explore the Hubble constant and its implications for ...
Professor Binney's research has significantly contributed to scientists' understanding of elliptical galaxies, galaxy clusters ... He contributed significantly to developing the standard model for the ...
Astronomers discovered that the Antlia Cluster is dominated by two large elliptical galaxies ... supports or challenges existing theories and refines the overall model of how galaxies gather and ...
For the first time, astronomers have traced a fast radio burst (FRB) to the outskirts of an ancient, dead, elliptical ...
For the first time, astronomers have traced a fast radio burst (FRB) to the outskirts of an ancient, dead, elliptical galaxy -- an unprecedented home for a phenomenon previously associated with ...