A parasitic wasp that flew among dinosaurs had a Venus flytrap-like contraption on its abdomen that likely allowed it to ...
open image in gallery Artist rendering of two-clawed dinosaur discovered in Gobi Desert (Masato Hattori/New Mexico Museum of Natural ... to more diverse dinosaur fossils. This kind of independent ...
A new dinosaur species has been discovered in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert based on two “exquisitely preserved” long fossil claws, an advance that sheds more light on a less understood family of the giant ...
Its creaky wooden floor is now covered with fossil displays as the ... t find any glitzy games or plastic dinosaur models here. "I thought, why dumb down a museum? Why treat kids like imbeciles?" ...
“This is yet another example of a wonderful new dinosaur that we couldn’t have dreamed ever existed if we didn’t find its fossils,” Brusatte said. With distinctive two-fingered ...