The cause of rashes can vary, spanning allergic reactions, infections, autoimmune diseases and environmental irritants.
There are numerous potential causes for red spots to form on the skin, including sudden infections or underlying chronic conditions. On darker skin tones, the spots may appear as purplish or ...
These changes may appear as rashes or raised bumps that itch or ... they may order further diagnostic testing to determine the cause of skin discoloration. While the exact tests may vary with ...
A PUPPP rash usually goes away on its own and doesn’t cause any scarring or lasting skin color changes. Experts don’t know what causes a PUPPP rash, but it might be linked to stretch marks.
Cellulitis is a skin infection that can occur when bacteria enter an open bug bite. Early treatment is crucial. Learn how to ...
Skin rash can be caused by several factors, including stress. Stress is a natural response one has under pressure or due to a threat. It is a situation where people do not feel in control.
Babies often develop rashes, and finding a cause is often difficult. However, rashes on a baby’s face may result from a cow milk allergy. A dairy allergy rash may be raised, discolored ...