Businesses and MEPs have written to President von der Leyen urging her to include carbon capture, use and storage in her landmark strategy to be unveiled at the end of February.
RTS became the first transit system in New York state to introduce hydrogen fuel cell electric buses. These buses can travel ...
The practice of inhaling carbon monoxide is set to be banned in professional cycling, anywhere outside of medical facilities, ...
The UCI's latest ban prevents repeated CO2 inhalation, which may or may not have been happening in the pro peloton to ...
The potential of membrane technology to unlock hybrid and scalable carbon capture, combined with results from early field ...
Republican Gov. Larry Rhoden didn’t unveil any new proposals in his first gubernatorial address to state lawmakers Tuesday at ...
The Iowa-based company plans a 2,500-mile, $9 billion pipeline to capture carbon dioxide from 57 ethanol plants across five states, including eastern South Dakota, and transport it to North Dakota ...
Described as “the world’s largest cargo ship with sails,” Anemos has opened its cabins to passengers wanting a low-carbon ...
If eminent domain is granted to Summit Carbon Solutions, it would give them the legal right to construction on the respective ...
Peat is a nonrenewable resource because it is being consumed much faster than it can be produced; a bog regrows at a rate of ...
As we burn fossil fuels, the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is gradually rising, and with it, the planet's ...
As the Earth absorbs more energy from the Sun and reflects less back into space, much of the excess heat is being funnelled ...