NATO membership for Ukraine is becoming increasingly elusive. The previous U.S. administration has been silently opposing ...
Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, demanded the restoration of gas transit through Ukraine. He threatened that ...
Ako informuje železničná spoločnosť PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe, nehoda sa, našťastie, zaobišla bez obetí. Všetky škody, ktoré ...
Bratislava, March 3 (TASR) - MP Rudolf Huliak, the nominee for the post of Tourism and Sport Minister, assured President Peter Pellegrini during their meeting on Monday that neither he nor his Nationa ...
The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party is calling on President Peter Pellegrini not to appoint Independent MP Rudolf Huliak as Tourism and Sport Minister, arguing that it would be an ...
V Republikánskej strane rastie tlak na vystúpenie USA zo Severoatlantickej aliancie. Prezident Donald Trump dlhodobo kritizoval NATO a teraz získava podporu nielen medzi senátormi, ale aj od Elona Mus ...
These countries, once dismissed as junior partners, are now in the vanguard of NATO, outpacing Western giants such as Germany and France in percentage terms.
BRATISLAVA - Parlament už nefunguje mesiace, koaličná kríza pretrváva a doteraz je zrejme dohodnutá len krehká vládna väčšina ...
BRATISLAVA - Minister zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí SR Juraj Blanár (Smer-SD) odcestuje do Lisabonu, kde bude v ...
In this week's Wider Europe, which is being published a little earlier this week, I'm drilling down on one thing: how the EU can stay relevant in the Ukrai ...
Spojenci NATO sa ešte v roku 2014 vo Walese dohodli, že na obranné výdavky každoročne vyčlenia dve percentá HDP. Dvojpercentný podiel ukotvila štvrtá vláda Roberta Fica aj v programovom vyhlásení z ...