The public survey asks residents how they feel about signal intersections, roundabouts, and reduced conflict intersections.
If residents have thoughts on how the Rapid City area’s roads, paths and public transportation system could improve, the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization ...
Governor Larry Rhoden will be visiting Box Elder as he wraps up his “open for opportunity” tour. He plans to sign Senate Bill ...
The South Dakota National Guard is getting ready for wildfire season. The guard has already provided air support for three fires.
HB 1239 removes defenses for employees at schools, colleges, museums and public libraries charged with disseminating material ...
The Senate State Affairs committee voted to pass a bill segregating restrooms in state facilities and public schools by sex ...
Soye received support for her bill from parents in Sioux Falls, Brookings and Lake City who have previously ... Kathy Rice, R-Black Hawk, and lobbyists with Concerned Women for America, Protecting ...
Kathy Rice, R-Black Hawk; and, lobbyists with the South Dakota ... news articles written about Grace and his daughters, and Rapid City Republican Rep. Phil Jensen’s recent bill to defund the ...
The state National Guard prepared two Blackhawk helicopters ... Living in a coastal city prone to hurricanes, he already had a go-bag with important documents ready, but he still needed to ...