A state-backed plan aims to create new units essential workers can afford to live in, but officials are yet to reveal how much cheaper the rent will be.
The Australian Government is being urged to boost Rent Assistance by up to 50 per cent to prevent a growing number of retirees from slipping below the poverty line and into homelessness.
Most Australian retirees who privately rent have been pushed into poverty and don't have enough savings to keep paying, a new ...
Rental assistance needs to be urgently increased to ensure that Australia's retirees are not living in poverty, COTA ...
If predictions come true it will be another year of deteriorating housing affordability, prices will rise at twice the rate ...
One important factor caused these towns to double in value in the “most disruptive” five-year period of living Australian’s lifetime.
A growing number of Australian retirees risk falling into homelessness because they can’t afford to pay rent, said a new ...