Ancient Greek and Roman statues didn't originally look like they do now in museums. A new study says they didn't smell the ...
Many centuries later, these ancient beliefs that athletes should look like sculptures took on very different meanings. As Stocking says, “Greek sculpture has been appropriated for body fascism ...
In the West, classical Greek art and architecture is often presented as a singular ... was invented to explain the pleasing proportions and elegant poses of sculptures from ancient Gandhara (in modern ...
There is one sculpture in the Gagosian show, Untitled, 1983, a painted bronze. This one; who knows what it’s meant to be, but its shape evokes ancient ships. It looks like one of Giacometti’s ...
The cast-bronze sculpture, which has been on display at ... rims of bronze cauldrons that were offered as votive gifts in ancient Greek sanctuaries from the sixth century BC to the eight century ...
At a ceremony this week, Greece’s culture minister ... used to adorn ceremonial cauldrons in ancient Greek sanctuaries. Metropolitan Museum of Art New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art ...
Try out our new audio guide and find out about an ancient Egyptian man called Paser. Then create your own Paser clay statue. Explore, learn and create with our programme of FREE family events. Taking ...
By Graham Bowley The Metropolitan Museum of Art is returning to Greece the bronze head of a ... that has been expanded from six to 11. The ancient Greeks often decorated their bronze cauldrons ...
This particular repatriation of ancient Greek masterpieces reflects a growing global trend to raise awareness about the preservation of cultural heritage. Numerous initiatives aim to return ...
this May it will feature an outstanding collection of sculptures from the Surrey Sculpture Society. Open May 2 to June 1 from 10am to 5pm, the artist's trail, will take visitors through the ...
was once a key centre for sculpture-making in the ancient world, renowned for its production of marble statues. Archaeologists continue to unveil well-preserved Greek mosaics and marble statues in ...