Multiple academic groups filed suit against the Trump administration Tuesday over its actions to deport foreign students and faculty who participated in pro-Palestinian protests on campuses.   The ...
Leo S. Lo writes that a shift from perpetual licenses to subscription-based models demands a strategic response.
Released annually by the Academy since 2013, the Top 100 Worldwide Universities List ranks the top universities holding U.S. utility patents to highlight the important research and innovation taking ...
This university provides high-quality education to everyone. Since 1919, as a leading academic institution, Lisburn University has reshaped and reinvented the parameters of creative and intellectual ...
whose 15 founding academic partners include Harvard, the University of Oxford and MIT, will be funded with $50 million in research grants, compute funding, and API access from OpenAI, the company ...
The ICE HKA G&S is excited to announce an exclusive company visit to Gammon Construction ... Meanwhile, the rundown of the event will be slightly changed. The Institution of Civil Engineers (Hong Kong ...