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Tokyo Tech has made many discoveries during its 130 years of rich history. As international partnerships grows not only in science and technology, but across all fields, friendly competition and ...
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本サイトの情報は、順次、Science Tokyoのサイトに移行していきます。公開されているページは東京科学大学の情報として有効なものです。 緑多き自然に囲まれたすずかけ台キャンパス。
(All information and links currently available only in Japanese, except for Guide to Graduate Education and International Graduate Program) ...
Civil engineering is developing into a more comprehensive discipline that can contribute to a future society that is sustainable and environmentally friendly. In the Graduate Program, students are ...
For his discovery of iron-based superconductors in 2008, Professor Hideo Hosono was selected as a Thomson Reuters [1] Citation Laureate in 2013 and became a leading contender for the Nobel Prize. His ...
We live in an age where people around the world are closely interconnected. Today, great value is placed on having a global perspective, regardless of our nationality. Why do we need global human ...
Our goal is to produce individuals with engineering design abilities — the abilities to solve the various problems that confront humankind and to contribute to the creation of new technologies, values ...
国内理工系大学トップクラスの蔵書量と広さを誇る附属図書館。先鋭的な建築フォルムは、まさに東工大の顔。 正門を抜けると現れるのは東工大博物館。複雑な立体形状が組み合わさった ...