The mayor of Istanbul is accused, in two separate court cases, of corruption, money laundering, fraud, bid-rigging and aiding and abetting the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a Kurdish movement ...
“The United States spends more on education than any other country, yet we rank near the bottom in the quality and success of our programs.” The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has ...
The military junta in power in Niger has expelled the executives of the main Chinese companies operating in the country's oil sector and permanently revoked the license of the Soluxe International ...
On March 14, Trump signed an executive order ordering the U.S. Agency for Global Media and six other agencies to minimize their activities. President Donald Trump’s administration initially took steps ...
De Nora actively participates in the lithium battery production chain, providing electrodes and maintenance services for catalytic coatings, for the production of copper foils used as current ...
Last month, a major auto show was held in Indonesia, where vehicle sales increased by 19 percent year-on-year. Indonesia's auto sales rose 2,2 percent year-on-year in February, marking the first ...
The goal of the visit is to influence President Trump's administration on export controls governing advanced semiconductors needed to power artificial intelligence. The visit by Emirati adviser Bin ...
The number of employed people in Lazio is the highest ever. This is what emerges from a report prepared by the Rome Chamber of Commerce, according to Istat data for 2024. Employed people in Lazio were ...
Il docufilm di Ambrogio Crespi ''Falcone e Borsellino. Il fuoco della memoria'', evidenzia che "non ci sono morti di serie A e morti di ...
Dopo l'annuncio dell'approvazione definitiva ieri in Senato del disegno di legge all'unanimità dei Giochi della Gioventù, il ministro ...
Parte dei proventi di questo sistema "finalizzato anche all'evasione fiscale era destinato al sostentamento delle famiglie dei detenuti ...
La ricerca, pubblicata Nature, si basa su dati provenienti da 23.000 stazioni in 27 Paesi e colma una lacuna di conoscenza causata ...