Click to share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Click to share on Twitter (opens in a new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (opens in new window) More All of these videos include the same audio, ...
Judge Allison Riggs and Judge Jefferson Griffin during a hearing at Wake County Supreme Court A Wake County Superior Court judge has rejected Republican Jefferson Griffin's attempt to nullify 65 votes ...
News has spread among the immigrant community through social media that President Trump's government will end protections for people who have immigration applications. U visa, T visa and even pending ...
Evento de VITA Latino realizado en el Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy/Cortesía VITA Latino Los contribuyentes latinos de bajos recursos que viven en la región de Charlotte y que necesiten declarar ...
Estas anomalías en la estructura del corazón pueden afectar el flujo sanguíneo y, en algunos casos, poner en riesgo la vida del bebé si no se diagnostican y tratan a tiempo. Cada año, alrededor de ...
This event offers free dental services to children under the age of 11 who reside in Mecklenburg County and do not have dental health insurance. Free dental services will be offered to children under ...
The workshops are intended to inform the immigrant community about what to do in the event of an encounter with immigration authorities or when they arrive at homes or workplaces. With the title: ...
The redadas y operativos de agentes de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) generan incertidumbre en la comunidad inmigrante. Muchas personas desconocen sus derechos y pueden sentirse obligadas a ...
This post that spread through social networks has caused confusion in the community A post circulating on social media mentions that if you have a bank account opened with a ITIN number will be frozen ...
Election signage at the West Asheville Public Library on the last day of early voting, Nov. 2, 2024. Colby Rabon / ELNC North Carolina Republican representatives introduced a bill that seeks to reduce ...
La University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) sent a letter to all of its students, to inform them about the protocols regarding President Trump's executive orders on immigration and federal ...
La Clínica Móvil atiende dos veces al mes en el Centro para Familias Hispanas del Programa de Caridades Católicas en Raleigh Where: la Clínica Móvil se traslada dos veces al mes al Centro para ...