A new prescribed burn, called Admin Station Piles Wcsl, was initiated 12:07 p.m. Jan. 8 in Riverside County. The prescribed ...
The pile burning project, named Drd Piles Wcsl, was initiated 7:51 a.m. Jan. 28 in San Diego County. The prescribed fire has ...
Weather conditions permitting, CAL FIRE will conduct a prescribed burn starting Saturday, March 22. It will take place near ...
The Trump administration said Tuesday that it is reconsidering adding protections to the monarch butterfly as a threatened ...
With wind gusts and low humidity, the weather conditions are not helping battle the flames. Residents in homes near the Sam ...
Dillon's Bureau of Land Management's field office will be conducting prescribed burns in the South Tobacco Root Mountains ...
The prescribed fire has been burning on private land for 73 days. Currently, there are no specifics available regarding the size of area burned or the crew executing the prescribed fire.
Prescribed fires are often used to manage vegetation and restore ecosystems and wildlife habitats. Camp Shelby’s Nature ...
Every dollar spent on proactive forest management saves multiple dollars in avoided firefighting costs and disaster recovery.
Officials with the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) will work with local officials in nearly 30 counties to ...
Mississippi’s Prescribed Fire Council, which has been dormant for years, is up and running again in all 82 counties in order to combat wildfires. Through a ...