Argentina, Milei
Milei, a by-product of the media ecosystem, has taken specific actions to curb press freedom, attacking the industry’s ...
With this latest policy turn, the evidence continues to mount that Milei is more a typical conservative or "rightist" than he ...
Argentine President Javier Milei’s veto of legislation that would have increased social security spending prevailed Wednesday ...
When Mauricio Macri was elected president of Argentina in 2015 as leader of the center-right coalition Cambiemos, he adopted a confrontational stance on China, distancing himself from the approach of ...
Milei said he would veto any bill endangering the zero deficit goal Argentine President Javier Milei appeared before Congress Sunday to submit the 2025 budget bill foreseeing an exchange rate of ...
El presidente argentino, Javier Milei, prevé que la inflación caerá el próximo año mientras la economía se recupera más de lo ...
If the light at the end of the tunnel fails to appear, Argentines may start to question Milei’s ability to deliver results.
El papa Francisco volvió a tensar la relación con el gobierno argentino del ultraderechista Javier Milei al denunciar un ...