Stein’s Cabinet secretaries all make one of two salaries: either $240,000 or $290,000, to lead their respective agencies.
Josh Stein, budget, tax cuts, health care, child care, health workforce, Healthy Opportunities, shortages, working families, ...
North Carolina’s Democratic Gov. Josh Stein made his budget proposal to the General Assembly via letter and press conference ...
N.C. Democratic Gov. Josh Stein made the first budget proposal of his term, asking lawmakers to freeze some tax cuts and add ...
With Republicans in control of the legislature, it has no real path to becoming law. But Stein’s budget sends an interesting ...
North Carolina Gov. Josh Stein released his two-year spending wish list. He's calling on the Republicans who control the ...
Republican lawmakers are unlikely to go along with many of the budget recommendations made by Democratic Gov. Josh Stein. But ...
Gov. Stein said his budget is balanced, even as a forecast from his budget office and the General Assembly shows ...