The Senate Election Committee heard testimony Monday on two major election bills with election officials pointing to sections of the bill that would create barriers to voting, including a tight 2030 ...
The city of Whitehall and a Whitehall council member filed an Ohio Supreme Court case to remove a ward council candidate from ...
Greater Canton was well represented on the All-Ohio Girls Basketball Teams for Division I, II & III, as picked by Ohio Prep ...
A Jackson County woman and her boyfriend have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms for their involvement in child sex ...
A group representing Altafiber, a regional telecommunications service provider, visited the Fayette County Commissioners ...
Jeffery Peasley, 44, is convicted on multiple charges for the shooting death of Robert Zornes Jr. in a Coventry Township home ...
A journalist's account of being added to a group chat of national security officials coordinating plans for airstrikes has ...
The Nebraska State Patrol arrested a 39-year-old man accused of domestic assault after a lengthy standoff in Holdrege early ...
For the last two seasons, the Northwest Ohio Senior Classic and Special Olympics Exhibition has been simply called that.