Up to 30,000 people in two cities in central Japan have been ordered to evacuate after weather forecasters warned of major ...
Robert Hernandez, a 38-year-old apparatus engineer at Cal Fire, was charged with five counts of arson, and is due to appear ...
Ukraine has banned the use of the Telegram messaging platform on official devices issued to government and military personnel ...
Israel says senior Hezbollah figures, including a top military commander, were killed in an air strike on the Lebanese ...
"Our husbands did not go to war so that we can sit around crying, but so that we keep moving on, so that we keep living." The ...
Ceefax - a play on the words "see facts" - was launched by the BBC on 1 November 1974 with a team of eight: four sub-editors ...
Ova 2.2 million pipo register to vote for who go be di next govnor of Edo State for southern Nigeria. We don make some ...
North Carolina has remained “stubbornly Republican”, said Greene. Barack Obama was the only Democrat to win the state in 44 ...
All six upper tier local councils in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire are in discussion over potential ...
የማንቸስተር ሲቲው አማካይ ሮድሪ ተጫዋቾች ጫና ስለበዛባቸው አድማ ለመምታት “ተቃርበዋል” ሲል ባለፈው ማክሰኞ ተናግሮ ነበር። በቅርቡ የወጣ አንድ ዘገባ እንደሚጠቁመው አንድ ተጫዋች በዕድሜው መሠረት ...
አርብ ዕለት በሊባኖስ ዋና ከተማ ቤሩት እስራኤል ባደረሰችው የአየር ጥቃት የሄዝቦላህ ከፍተኛ ወታደራዊ አዛዥ ተገደለ። ሄዝቦላህ ኢብራሂም አቂል የተባለው ወታደራዊ አዛዡ መሞቱን ያረጋገጠ ሲሆን፣ ...
የእስራኤሉ የስለላ ተቋም ሞሳድ አገሪቱ በጠላትነት በፈረጀቻቸው ቡድኖች እና ግለሰቦች ላይ ሞሳድ ውስብስብ ክትትል በማድረግ የመጨረሻውን እርምጃ ይወስዳል። ሞሳድ ማረጋገጫ ባይሰጥም ከሰሞኑ ሊባኖስ ...