The sisters have a quaternary marriage, a term used to describe when identical twins marry identical twins. “It was always a dream of ours to find these perfect identical twins – men who were ...
Climate change and the developments it spurs carry the narrative of the Quaternary, the most recent 2.6 million years of Earth's history. Glaciers advance from the Poles and then retreat ...
Next in the chain come tertiary and quaternary industries, also known as the service industries. Tertiary and quaternary industries tend to be more important in more economically developed countries.
Earth's history is a roller-coaster of climate fluctuations, of relative warmth giving way to frozen periods of glaciation before rising up again to the more temperate climes we experience today.
There are four main types of industry: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary. The type of industry a country specialises in changes over time. There are social, environmental and economic ...
DR. J. S. LEE, the well-known Chinese geologist, has sent to the Editor of NATURE the proofs of a monograph entitled "Quaternary Glaciations in the Lushan Area, Central China" with a series of ...
We are focusing on extinct species from Europe and northern Asia, along with some from North America, including: We are using large compilations of carefully audited radiocarbon dates for each mammal ...