Excessive drinking” includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking, according to the CDC.
Maps show where wildfires continue to burn in North Carolina and South Carolina, including the Table Rock Fire and multiple ...
In addition to the Carolinas, wildfire risk is spread throughout Virginia, West Virginia ... did damage in a mountainous North Carolina county where monstrous floodwaters engulfed homes.
This post is from our data newsletter, the Rural Index, headed by Sarah Melotte, the Daily Yonder’s data reporter. Subscribe ...
West Virginia will ban the sale of food products containing seven dyes and two preservatives by 2028, and the additives will ...
With West Virginia’s new ban on certain food dyes, some restaurants and schools will need to switch up their ingredients to ...
With West Virginia’s new ban on certain food dyes, some restaurants and schools will need to switch up their ingredients to make a Mountain State staple – the pepperoni roll.
CHARLESTON, W.Va (WCHS) — Spring fire season started on March 1 and since then local fire departments along with the West Virginia Division ... Kanawha County Emergency Management Director ...