There are computer systems designed to discuss war plans and other secrets. They are accessible only in secured rooms, and it ...
A case in point: a European Space Agency satellite, known as ERS-2, launched in 1995 and inactive since 2011, tumbled through ...
To light the candle is to resist. We must resist like Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, who founded the Congressional Union for ...
The shape is thought to be the result of leftover fuel released into space as the Falcon 9 rocket returned to Earth.
NAS's James Webb Space Telescope has captured Neptune’s glowing auroras in the best detail yet. Hints of auroras were first ...
The Webb Space Telescope has captured a plume of gas and dust streaming from a star in the making, with a spiral galaxy as a ...
The Hubble Space Telescope captured an image of a star and a spiral galaxy, both in the constellation Virgo. But the photo is ...
Scientists using the James Webb Space Telescope have identified an ancient and faraway galaxy that provides evidence that an ...
Scientists suspected the ice giant hosted auroras—and had already observed them on Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. But an ...
Astronomers have identified a bright hydrogen emission from a galaxy in the very early universe. The surprise finding is ...